Community Care
“If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it”
St Paul – 1 Cor 12: 26
Community Care
Registered Social Workers offer the following service:
- Home visits or office appointments
- Assessment of new members
- Emotional support to individuals and family
- Counselling
- Help with transport of members
- References of services, network and help with information to members
- Administrative assistance with nursing home/old age home applications
- Group intervention for depression, as well as support with coping with grief or loss
- Social events in Die Waenhuis
- Mobilisation of volunteers
Visits are planned in advance on a monthly basis by way of needs assessments. Needs include:
- Emotional support
- Counselling
- Help with transport of members
- Reference to other services
- Administrative assistance
- Emergency intervention
Social Activities
Jagersbosch plans social programmes in advance with the aim of advancing members’ involvement in the organisation. These activities normally happen in Die Waenhuis on a Friday.
Among others, these include:
- Concerts
- Game days
- Information sessions
- Music days
- Movie days
- Workshops
Administrative support
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Jagersbosch provides Social Support
Development to our Community
The Bill of Rights, as ensconced in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, is the cornerstone of our democracy. It affirms the democratic values of among others, equality, human dignity, life, environment, housing, health care, food, water, freedom and social security. Furthermore it specifically mentions age as one of the grounds on which there may not be any discrimination, thus no one may deprive an older person from these rights. It is for this very reason that Jagersbosch Community Care Centre has embarked on the development of a Community Service for Social Support of the communities of Still Bay, Jongensfontein, Melkhoutfontein and surrounding areas.
The focus moves from institutional care to accessible and holistic community based care. The older person must be encouraged to stay in his or her own environment as long as possible, using the community services available at their disposal.
At the head of this new section, formally launched on 23 October 2019, is Marilize van Zyl. She is assisted by Annalie van Niekerk and Sharon Lofthouse, while Dr Nina du Toit represents the new service on the board.
This Community-Based Social Support Service Should:
Put in place the necessary structures to provide for the needs of older people
Meet older person’s changing needs
Create opportunities to develop older persons’ social, physical, mental as well as emotional well-being
Make sure that the older persons are interested in such opportunities as well as able to participate
Support, as well as engage the family responsible for the well-being of the older person
Planned Services Based on The Needs of Older Persons
- Home visits to assess needs such as care, emotional support and counselling
- Identify and design ways to take care of identified needs
- Offering individual as well as group activities to cater for the needs of the elderly
- Support for spouses and family members
- Establish support groups for older persons and family members who have experience trauma and loss
We aim this service at persons in need for personal support during times of loneliness, depression, anxiety and trauma as well as palliative care, neglect, dementia, etc. Professional personnel will make use of a multi-disciplinary approach to comprehensively support members. Where required spouses, family members and caregivers will also received this service.
New staff have already stated visiting members to determine their individual needs. Personal information is, of course always treated as confidential. Support activities and socially interactive programmes include music, dance, art and drama.
Jagersbosch services are affordable and only available to members, so be sure to join us and be eligible for the best holistic care during your golden years.