

“Healthcare should be affordable for everyone.”

Ed Pastor

Jagersbosch se fasiliteit op Melkhoutfontein maak voorsiening vir 3 tipe dienste naamlik: Gestremdheid, Afhanklike Verblyf en Onafhanklike Verblyf. Die Gestremde Projek bestaan uit n werkswinkel wat voorsiening maak vir tot 25 persone. Die Afhanklike Projek maak voorsiening vir verblyf en beperkte versorging vir 10 persone in die Stillerus-gebou.

Die Onafhanklike Projek maak voorsiening vir verblyf vir 10 persone wat in aparte huisies woon.


Soeterus Care Centre

“The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person… “

Andy Rooney

Soeterus Care Centre

Situated in Melkhoutfontein, Soeterus has 7 houses that currently (2019) accommodate 9 people classified under ‘Independent living’. This means that residents can take care of themselves.

Soeterus Hall

We rent out and the Soeterus Hall in Melkhoutfontein for various activities and functions. The hall includes a kitchen, making this facility ideal for small weddings, birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries, etc.

Full catering service

Our catering service is, of course, also available for the Soeterus Hall.

Soeterus Hall

Stillerus Care Centre


“Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.”

Psalm 71:9


Stillerus Care Centre

Situated in Melkhoutfontein, Stillerus is a facility for people classified under ‘Assisted living’ and currently (2019) has 9 residents. These are people requiring some assistance in taking care of their daily needs such as food, washing clothes, etc. There are two carers who look after them during the day. This facility can unfortunately not accommodate anyone who needs frail care.

Stillerus also has a daycare service available. Members attending the daycare need not be only elderly people, but any member in need of care during the day.

Kwikstertjie Daycare for People with Disabilities

“Every person with a disability is an individual.”

Itzhak Perlman


This care group for adults with different disabilities, one of the various much needed services of Jagersbosch, was established in 2016. Since then this service has grown rapidly from the original job creation project. AnneMarie de Cauwer and Frances Smit are the current (2019) facilitators.

They are busy upgrading and organising the classroom to accommodate all the disabled people. A new ceiling as well as lighting have been completed already. More upgrading is in the pipeline such as erecting a number of swings, railings for the patio as well as improvements to the bathroom and kitchen.

Currently (2019) there are about 17 persons attending the class daily where they receive a healthy meal and are kept busy with various constructive activities. Activities such as knitting, clipping, pasting, embroidery as well as weaving, pottery, painting, colouring in, etc.

They regularly receive visitors from the community and also go on regular outings where they see interesting things and enjoy new adventures. When there is a marketing opportunity, they use it to sell their home-made products usually with great success.

They are very grateful to the community for all the donations that they regularly receive. The business community also supports them with regular donations without which they cannot exist.


“A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple”

