“Caring is the essence of nursing”
Jean Watson (American Nursing Theorist)
Jagersbosch – Melkhoutfontein
The Jagersbosch Facility in Melkhoutfontein provides for 3 types of services, namely: Disability, Assisted Living as well as Independent Living.
To start with, the Disability Project consists of a workshop providing for up to 25 persons.
The Assisted Living Project, in turn, provides accommodation as well as limited care for 10 persons in the Stillerus building.
Lastly the Independent Living Project provides accommodation for 10 persons living in separate houses.
Soeterus Care Centre
“The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person… “
Andy Rooney
Soeterus Care Centre
Situated in Melkhoutfontein, Soeterus has 7 houses that currently (2019) accommodate 9 people classified under ‘Independent living’. This means that residents can take care of themselves.
Soeterus Hall
The Soeterus facility in Melkhoutfontein also has a Hall where various activities for residents take place.
This hall is also equipped with a kitchen making it a perfect venue to rent for functions. As a matter of fact, it is ideal for small weddings, birthdays, funeral functions, etc.
Stillerus Care Centre
“Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.”
Psalm 71:9
Stillerus Care Centre
Also situated in Melkhoutfontein, Stillerus is a facility for people classified under ‘Assisted living’ and currently (2019) has 9 residents. These are people requiring some assistance in taking care of their daily needs such as food, washing clothes, etc.
There are two carers who look after them during the day. This facility can unfortunately not accommodate anyone who needs frail care.
Stillerus also offers a day-care service. Members attending the day-care need not be only elderly people, but any member in need of care during the day.
Day-care for People Living with Disabilities
“Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.”
Psalm 71:9
Kwikstertjies – Day-care for People Living with Disabilities
This care group for adults with various different disabilities was established in 2016.
The building can accommodate up to 25 persons. Here they are kept busy daily with a variety of constructive activities such as knitting, clipping, pasting, as well as weaving and painting, etc. Furthermore they receive a healthy meal as well as other refreshments every day.
Whenever there is a marketing opportunity, they use it to sell their home-made products, usually with great success.
Their sustainability primarily depends on regular donations from caring members of the public as well as from compassionate business enterprises.
Care Units
“A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple”